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Our Mission Statement


Our mission is to build capacity for economic development in the San Gorgonio Pass area, bridging San Bernardino and Riverside Counties along the I-10 Corridor, by supporting a common economic development vision, promoting partnerships, and attracting and sustaining businesses that contribute to a high quality of life for those that live and work in the region. Read below for a more in depth explanation of our commitment. 

Policy Platform

The Policy Platform serves as a guide for the Pass Economic Development Agency (PassEDA) and its members to address regional matters of economic importance.


The PassEDA is committed to pursuing policies that create, retain, and expand good paying jobs and strengthen our regional economy. 


  • Employer Incentives: Supports proposals to protect employers from higher costs and to provide meaningful incentives for employers to create new jobs and to strengthen our local workforce availability.

  • International Trade: Supports trade and tourism initiatives to spur commerce and to maximize the region’s position in the California economy.

  • Labor Standards: Supports improving California’s competitiveness with other states’ labor standards, particularly as they apply to wages and overtime rules.

  • Workforce Education: Supports a career-minded approach to public education,
    workforce training and development to support the existing and future job sectors.

  • Health Care: Supports policies that provide the broadest possible coverage without placing a disproportionate and undue burden on employers.


The PassEDA supports further investments into the region’s infrastructure in partnership with the private sector and by securing the region’s fair share of state and federal allocations.


  • Water: Supports proposals for a long-term, comprehensive state water plan that is
    reliable and includes conservation, new supply, storage, and conveyance that is
    equitable for all Californians.

  • Transportation: Supports innovative funding allocations to accommodate increased
    mobility on the region’s highways and overall transportation system, including goods

  • Energy: Supports policies that encourage reliable sources of affordable and diverse
    energy supplies, including renewable sources.

  • Waste Management: Supports policies that encourage pragmatic policies on solid
    waste management so that the collection, transport, procession, and disposal of solid
    waste is conducted with minimal impacts on our environment and on our businesses.

  • Communications: Supports state and federal policies that encourage continued
    investment in telecommunications and improve access to new technologies including
    greater access to broadband.

Land Use:

The PassEDA supports land use policies that balance the needs of meeting affordable housing demands, creating new jobs, protecting industrial, commercial, and agricultural zones as well as preserving open space and our quality of life.


  • Housing: Supports strategies that improve the region’s job/housing balance for all
    income levels throughout the region with conditions that any mandates be balanced with
    incentives for compliance.

  • Industrial: Balancing industrial land use with quality of life for residents.

  • Retail: Supporting retail growth that serves the region while meeting the needs of an
    ever-changing marketplace.

  • Commercial: Support development of office and light industrial space to meet the needs
    of the emerging professional, service, and small business sector.

Quality of Life:

The PassEDA supports legislation and initiatives that create a healthy and safe environment for business and the community at large.


  • Public Safety: Encourage policy used by police and fire agencies to protect business
    and residents.

  • Healthcare: Promote policies that provide greater and more appropriate access to
    facilities that support mental and physical wellness in the community.

Tribal Affairs:

Work with regional Native American Tribes to support tribally led initiatives and policies that encourage economic independence and sovereignty.​

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